Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Roza Eskanazi

Unsuccesful trial portrait.

I have been told by my tutor that I'm over dependant on lino. Well, here's a trial on wood (that's a s far away to lino I managed to get) but I don't think that the outcome is that great. Even though it's soft to cut through (thanks to my new rad tools), I have very little control when I put pressure. So I am more likely to make mistakes. I mean I can always improve by being extra cautious, but thinking that I have such a huge load to do, I should do what I do best. So I have once more concluded that lino is my thing, and I will never stop carving till the day I die! Besides it's not like I haven't tried out other processes..Lithography suits my hand very much as well, but it's exremely time consuming, expensive and most importantly college is the only place I can do it in!


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